October 22, 2023

Arise and Go: The Fruit of Obedience

Passage: Jonah 2 - 3

When we have been disobedient to God, we must repent immediately once we have recognized our sin.  Jonah’s disobedience caused him to nearly drown, but God did not give Jonah what he deserved. Instead, He rescued Jonah by preparing a fish to swallow him. This led to Jonah’s repentance, and then to Jonah’s obedience, and then to the salvation of an entire population of gentiles.  There is fruit that comes from our obedience to God. When we are obedient and share the gospel with all people, we are being faithful. God can use our obedience to grow the seeds that have been planted and/or watered by the sharing of the hope of Jesus Christ through the gospel.

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