Ministry Team
Our Pastor Brian Nevins
My Name is Brian Nevins and I am the pastor at Calvary Chapel. Welcome in the name of the Lord Jesus, myself and my wife Denise, and the rest of the fellowship. You have an open invitation to join us in fellowship and worship here in Florence, Kentucky.
It has been my passion and privilege since receiving the gift of eternal life in 1990 to know Jesus and to make Him known. We believe that the best way to do that is by allowing the Holy Spirit to minister to His people through His word and His gifts in a friendly and casual setting.
Would you like to know Jesus, and receive the gift of eternal Life? Please click here, or Contact Us.
Are you looking for a church as a believer in Jesus? We have wonderful families who deeply love God and each other, and you will be blessed and enriched here. The Word is taught, and our greatest desire is to love and worship God. If I may speak frankly as a believer, the most important thing in finding a church is listening intently to the Lord, and obeying Him. I pray that you seek out a church that honors God’s Word and is alive in His Spirit.
Please feel free to listen to any of our sermons on the internet. If you have an interest in our statement of belief, you can find it by clicking on the “About Us“. Of course, the most effective way to know us is to join us in person as we minister to the Lord, and co-labor in His work.
Thank you for visiting our site. May our Lord richly bless you as you seek to love and obey Him.
Pastor Brian

Brian Hedrick
Assistant Pastor

Dominique Hedrick

Denise Nevins
Women and Children Ministries

Dennis Falls
Denise Nevins
Women and Children Ministries

Dennis Falls

Shannon Dukes
Outreach and Evangelism