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Calvary Chapel of Northern Kentucky’s

Statement of Faith

WE BELIEVE in One eternal God Who exists in Three Persons; that the Godhead is without confusion of Person and without division of Nature, Substance, or Being.

WE BELIEVE that the Bible, as contained in the sixty-six canonical Books from Genesis to Revelation, are the inspired, inerrant, verbal, plenary, confluent Word of God; that they do not merely contain the words of God, but are the very Word of God down to the most minute detail of design.

WE BELIEVE that man was specially created in the image and likeness of God as touching His communicable Attributes; that man of his own uncoerced free will rebelled against God and His just rule; that the direct result of this rebellion is spiritual death and separation from God ultimately resulting in physical death; that death and corruption came through Adam’s sin and did not exist in the universe prior to this event; that man is now utterly incapable of redeeming himself and correcting his sorrowful state, that he cannot hope by works of service or any other such thing to bring himself to God.

WE BELIEVE that God the Son, Second Person of the Triunity, took upon His full Deity full Humanity in the Incarnation; that He became Man while at all points retaining His immutable Deity, without confusion of Natures yet with absolute integrity of Person; that He lived a life in perfect obedience to His Father’s will and Law, as no man ever is able to in his fallen humanity; that He willfully died to pay the just penalty of our rebellion as a vicarious sacrifice, was raised bodily from the dead on the third day as reckoned by the Jews, ascended into heaven, and presently sits at His Father’s right hand until all things are placed under His feet as predicted in Scripture; that He will return again soon, before the seven-year period at the end of human history known as the Tribulation to take for Himself a Bride, the redeemed of all mankind throughout the ages, to keep them from the hour of testing that is about to come upon the God-rejecting world.

WE BELIEVE that salvation is to be had by grace alone through faith alone in Jesus’ atoning death in our stead; that works are not in the least a prerequisite for this salvation, but are only the visible proof of this salvation; that man is absolutely incapable of maintaining his position before God, and it is solely the unfathomable grace of the Great God that keeps a man secure in his redeemed state; that those who are truly regenerate will exhibit this regeneration by living a holy life through the power of the Holy Spirit, by submission to and dependence upon Him, confessing and repenting of their sins as the Spirit convicts.

WE BELIEVE that the Holy Spirit — Who is Himself God, the Third Person of the Triunity — indwells and empowers Christians; that He imparts gifts according to His Sovereign will to each believer in Jesus; that these gifts are for the edification of the Body, and among these gifts are tongues, interpretation of tongues, prophecy, gifts of healing, word of knowledge, word of wisdom, discernment of spirits, miracles, helps, mercy, faith, government, and that this is by no means an exhaustive list; that the evidence of being filled with Him is the production of His Fruit, according to Scripture.

WE BELIEVE that the Church is composed of all the redeemed of mankind from this dispensation, and are thus a subset of the totality of the Redeemed, distinct from national Israel, though containing within herself both Jew and Gentile; that the Church is the one vehicle of God’s grace and operation in this dispensation, and that it in no way, manner, or form can be so thought of as to have supplanted national Israel or replaced her; that God’s purposes for national Israel are not fulfilled, but will be with the last of Daniel’s predicted Seventy Weeks of years; that the Church is primarily not organizational — that is, there is no “one true denomination;” that all the Redeemed of this dispensation are of the Church (that the Redeemed, in fact, define the Church, as our LORD has said, “where two or three are gathered in My Name, there am I in the midst”); that even in the best local church you will still find unregenerate souls; that the Church is powerless to save, but is simply a congregation of those who are already saved by virtue of their relationship to Jesus Christ.

Calvary Chapel is a fellowship of believers in the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Our greatest desire is to know Christ and be conformed to His image by the power of the Holy Spirit. We are not a denominational church, nor are we opposed to denominations as such. We are opposed only to the emphasis of non-biblical teachings that divide the Body of Christ.

  • We believe that the true basis of Christian fellowship is God’s love, which is greater than our differences. Without His love, we have no right to say we are
  • We believe worship of God should be spiritual. Therefore, we remain flexible so that the Holy Spirit may direct our worship.
  • We believe worship of God should be intelligent. Therefore, in our services, we emphasize Bible teaching so that God may instruct us how He would
    be worshipped.
  • We believe worship of God should be inspirational. Therefore, we give a great place to music in our worship.
  • We believe worship of God should be fruitful. Therefore, we look for His love in our lives as the greatest evidence that we are truly worshipping Him.


We Reject

WE REJECT the irrational, religious hypothesis of “evolution,” whether theistic or atheistic; this including any and all conclusions of evolution, including secular psychology, secular philosophies, and all humanocentric conceptions of any sort.

WE REJECT any addition to faith in the equation of personal salvation.

WE REJECT the teachings of both “Five-Point Calvinism” and “Five-Point Arminianism,” especially the Calvinist teachings of a “limited atonement” and “irresistible grace,” and the Arminian teachings of an overemphasis on free moral agency and the inherent semi-Pelagian concept of a lack of assurance concerning one’s salvation.

WE REJECT the teachings of cessationism, which have no solid Biblical basis.

WE REJECT the teachings and practices of hypercharismaticism/hyperpentecostalism, especially the overemphasis on experience and emotion to the detriment of sound reasoning and doctrine.

WE REJECT outright the antichristian, metaphysical teachings of the so-called “Word-Faith Movement,” more properly called “Kenyonism,” which are based on the teachings of metaphysician E. W. Kenyon; these teachings are extremely deadly to the Body of Christ, and have nothing whatsoever to do with the historic, Scriptural Christian faith. We reject specifically the emasculated, nonsovereign demigod of Kenyonism, the deification of mere mortal man, the metaphysical concept of faith, the oversimplified concept of perfect health and wealth, and the practice of eisogesis concerning the Word.