Chronological Life of Jesus - 42 (With reference to Luke 6:43-49.) Jesus ends His most famous sermon with warnings about the difficulty of the path He has taught us. There…
Chronological Life of Jesus - 41 Jesus emphasizes the importance and promises of prayer. It is needed if we are to rise to the command to treat others as we…
Chronological Life of Jesus - 40 (also references Luke 6:37-42). It is tough to strike the right balance between Jesus' commands to be salt and light, and not to judge.…
Chronological Life of Jesus - 39 (also references Luke 12:22-34) - Jesus tells us not to worry, not to have an anxious mind, when it comes to our earthly possessions.…
Chronological Life of Jesus - 38 - Jesus addresses one of the most pervasive aspects of our lives - money. Our priorities dictate what we treasure. When we keep our…
Chronological Life of Jesus - 37 Fasting is a vital part of our relationship with God, and integral to being of value to the kingdom of God. Though Jesus fully…
Chronological Life of Jesus - 36 Prayer is a vital part of our relationship with God, and integral to being of any value to the kingdom of God. Even Jesus…
Chronological Life of Jesus - 35. Our worship of the Lord is expressive should naturally result in extending charity to those around us. But do we 'do good' to impress…
Chronological Life of Jesus - 33 - Jesus warns us that lust doesn't have to be acted upon to be sin. And either can bring great damage to our marriages.…