To win a race, the runner wears the lightest, least restrictive clothing possible, and focuses only on the finish line. For the Christian, we are in that race to the…
There is a big difference between believing in God and believing God. Hebrews 11 demonstrates for us many saints who believed God and died long before the promise was realized.…
As the Day of our salvation draws ever closer, let us draw near to God, let us hold fast to faith, let us consider one another with greater passion.
Jesus is the only man born of a woman, as the Son of God, who could offer the perfect sacrifice to satisfy the justice of God. That sacrifice was Himself.…
As our perfect High Priest, Jesus offers a better covenant in a better sanctuary. The sacrifice has been made once and for all for the forgiveness our sins!
Because God's promises cannot be broken, changed or unfulfilled we can have a strong confidence not only in our salvation, but in God's ability to see us through. On that…
Jesus, our Great High Priest, the only one who has the authority to do so, bids us to come into the Holy of Holies, the very presence of God.
Our rest can only be found in Jesus, as He has promised and alone can fulfill. Today, enter into His rest.
God always knows when to show up, and He did so wonderfully in the form of Jesus who is God with us, the Light of the World
When we hear God speak to us in Christ, and remember who we are in Christ, it is the greatest antidote to discouragement - and it is essential to the…