Peter knew of his ultimate death, and the method, yet he faithfully followed Jesus for the subsequent 4 decades. He now faced this very prophecy from the Lord’s mouth. He…
Just as Nimrod sought to seek his own way at Babel, mankind in the New Testament has made a determined effort to corrupt the Gospel. In Jesus’ first message, the…
Christianity can easily become a religious system just like any other if we do not keep Jesus as the central focus of our life. Not just our belief, but our…
In the face of a tidal wave of change, the greatest truth we can cling to is the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Regardless of circumstances in life, are we joyfully Living in Christ? Do we live for Christ? Do we recognize that Christ lives in us (to live is Christ, and to die is…
Even at the beginning of the church, a reminder of the focus and purpose of the church was necessary. It is to be the "pillar and ground of the truth"…
As morals and ethics rapidly devolve, those who hold to another standard are being squeezed out of the conversation, and even worse. What is a Christian to do in these…
God is gracious to prepare His people as needed. As the world shifts and changes during all periods of human history, God's people can walk in wisdom by listening to,…
Just like the disciples, when we recognize that Jesus fulfills all He says, we need no longer live in fear.
In the first 11 chapters of the Book of Hebrews, the author gives us unassailable reasons for trusting in God regardless of current or long-term situations. He continues in chapter…