December 4, 2011

You Must Be Born Again

Passage: Jeremiah 2 Kings 24:5-9, Jeremiah 22:18-30, Jeremiah 13:15-27
HistorySalvationSinJesusGod the SonGod the Holy SpiritProphecyChronological History of Israel Chronological History of Israel and Judah Series - 78 2 Kings 24:5-9, Jeremiah 22:18-30, Jeremiah 13:15-27 If you have not given your life to Christ as your Savior, today would be the day to do that. Don�t harden your heart to the good news of His grace. If you have a problem with sin, allowing it to master you in any area of your life, today is the day to repent. To allow the Holy Spirit to change your nature.