It has been said that more is caught than taught. What we saw, or see, in our parents we are most likely to mimic whether we like it or, even…
How long, Christian, will you continue to live like the world instead of learning Christ and abiding in the richness of this relationship? Think differently than the world, for it…
The first 3 chapters of Ephesians establishes the foundation of doctrine of our riches in Christ. The last 3 speak of our duty – our responsibility to walk out what…
To be filled with all the fullness of God is not a claim for the Christian to make, but a reality for all Christians that comes from knowing and showing…
Understanding this mystery is key to understanding the Old Testament prophecies and the New Testament promises. It reveals the Church as the multi-faceted wisdom of God. It is no longer…
Since we are all the product of original sin, guilty of transgression against God, and saved out of that sin through a common salvation, we have no justification for attitudes…
There is nothing in our past that cannot be overcome by the salvation that God offers - taking us from spiritual death to glorious life. Video begins at the 11:15…
Let us no longer live as spiritual paupers, but instead fully enjoy the richness of every spiritual blessing that we have in Christ. Due to technical issues the sound on…
Let us no longer live as spiritual paupers, but instead fully enjoy the richness of every spiritual blessing that we have in Christ. the video service begins at the 16:00…
In this second part of the series, Brian Hedrick covers the priorities of children honoring and obeying their parents, and parents discipling their children. The video begins at the 14:46…