March 24, 2019

Stewardship: A Life Devoted to Serving God Session 5 – Family

There is a God-designed order and hierarchy. As a steward, nothing belongs to you including your family.  It all belongs to God. We will be judged on what we give back to Him of all that we have been given, which eliminates the distinction between sacred and secular when it comes to our activities. If it cannot glorify God then it does not belong in the life of a family.

As stewards God has given us responsibility to protect and nurture our marriages and families in a way that reflects Him. That is why husbands are to love as Christ loves His church, dying to His needs and desires, washing His bride with the Word of God. Husbands must lead their homes in the teaching and applying of God’s word.

That is why wives are to submit to their husbands as the husband submits to Jesus. That is why children are to obey their parents.

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